
This document offers suggestions to help you and your ethnic community connect, communicate, participate and be safe, as well as access resources in your language.
This document offers suggestions to help you and your ethnic community connect, communicate, participate and be safe, as well as access resources in your language.
Have you heard us on the radio?

Coming soon...
Helpful websites
Newcomers Network
Multicultural Councils
English language classes in NZ
Ministry of Ethnic Communities, Te Tari Mātāwaka
Office of Ethnic Communities’ Community Directory
Civil Defence
Immigration New Zealand
Citizens Advice Bureau
New Zealand Red Cross
New Zealand Chambers of Commerce
City and regional councils
NZ Members of Parliament
Community access radio
Multicultural Councils
English language classes in NZ
Ministry of Ethnic Communities, Te Tari Mātāwaka
Office of Ethnic Communities’ Community Directory
Civil Defence
Immigration New Zealand
Citizens Advice Bureau
New Zealand Red Cross
New Zealand Chambers of Commerce
City and regional councils
NZ Members of Parliament
Community access radio