Resource Archive
CLING observations and recommendations about information for CALD communities during COVID-19 – July 2020
Throughout COVID-19 Alert Levels 4, 3 and 2 (March - June 2020), CLING collated COVID-19 materials for CALD communities. This document compiles the group’s observations and learnings from this period. |
Open Letter about Office of Ethnic Communities’ proposed Multilingual Information Network – July 2020
This Open Letter outlines CLING’s concerns about a proposed OEC initiative to recruit community volunteers to translate and disseminate government information to linguistic communities. The letter was endorsed by several individuals and organisations around Aotearoa New Zealand working in the interpreting and translation fields. |
Barriers to accessing information about services on the internet – June 2016
This research report considers barriers which refugees and migrants face when accessing information via government and non-government websites in Aotearoa New Zealand, and was completed for CLING by University of Canterbury interns. |
In 2012, CLING developed a suite of resources based on its observations of communication with CALD communities during and in the aftermath of the 2011-12 Canterbury earthquakes:
Information for agencies
Information for agencies
Best Practice Guidelines for engaging with CALD communities in times of disaster – July 2012
This is the background document which informed CLING’s suite of 2012 post-earthquake communication resources. The document outlines the reasons and research behind the development of the Best Practice Guidelines, and includes within it both the Best Practice Guidelines for Agencies and the Advice for CALD Communities. |
Guidelines for getting messages to CALD communities in Christchurch – July 2012
This brochure contains tips on how to word messaging for CALD communities, suggestions for important distribution channels in Christchurch (e.g. ethnic media) and a list of priority languages for translation and interpreting. 2021 Note: Some of the contact or organisation information is no longer valid. |
Guidelines for using Language and Sign Interpreters – December 2012
This brochure contains information for agencies on how to work with an interpreter, including how to decide if an interpreter is needed, whether to engage a face-to-face or telephone interpreter, and costs. 2021 Note: Some of the contact or organisation information is no longer valid. |
Advice for CALD communities